Our team of experts offers face-to-face and online training courses on demand for research groups and students. The courses are mostly targeting new users in HPC, HPDA, and AI.
Just starting?
We assist you step by step on the usage of our software solutions and services by providing:
- Up-to-date video tutorials and documentation, including a detailed description about how to access HPC resources, data and project management, sharing of data and resources with collaborators.
- Use cases for the optimal usage of HPC resources and promoting new technologies in emergent fields.
Advanced lectures and workshops
We organize workshops and lectures on specialized subjects:
- Best practises in software development (version control, software documentation, software quality and testing, CI/CD).
- Introduction to Docker.
- Parallel programming (MPI/OpenMP).
- GPU programming.
- Data analysis and visualization with Python, R, Julia, Matlab.
- Scalable machine learning: distributed training, hyperparameter tuning, model and architecture search, and AutoML.
- UCloud best practises.
- Workflow optimization on UCloud.
- Big data processing on UCloud.
- Introduction to data version control.
Additional topics can be discussed on demand.
Technical assistance for teachers
We help teachers integrate their courses with UCloud services. The latter may include:
- Installation of ready-to-use software on UCloud.
- Development of interactive dashboards.
- Storage space for sharing class materials on UCloud.
Contact us at: escience@sdu.dk.