The national HPC landscape expanded significantly this week. Since November last year, researchers across Denmark have been able to access two of the DeiC National HPC types: Type 1, based on UCloud and designed to give researchers easy access to HPC regardless of their level of experience, and Type 2, consisting of three machines (Computerome2, Sophia and GenomeDK) placed at AU and DTU. Now, the DeiC National HPC Type 3 system is also available to all researchers in Denmark.
The new DeiC National HPC Type 3 system

The new system, hosted and maintained by the SDU eScience Center, is able to handle jobs which require an exceptional amount of memory, up to 4 TB RAM per node. The system is particularly advantageous for researchers who want a type of HPC which focuses on solving problems that cannot easily or efficiently be distributed between many computer nodes. There are applications in many research fields which can benefit from Type3 system, such as quantum chemistry, physics, bioinformatics, digital signal processing, engineering, or data mining applications to name a few.
Researchers from Danish universities can request an account for a project on the system through their local Front Office. Researchers at SDU can apply for resources by submitting an application form via the Front Office at the SDU eScience Center service desk.
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By Johanne Lyhne Hansen