At the end of 2021, two datasprints focusing on the value of open political data and digital competencies were organised in Aarhus (November 18th-19th) and Copenhagen (December 2nd and 3rd). The datasets for the datasprints were made available on UCloud

A previous article has been published on the DeiC Interactive HPC website which offers the participants in Aarhus’ reflections on the datasprint (see here). Now, another article with the reflections of the organizers has been made available.

Per Møldrup-Dalum from The Royal Danish Library/CHCAA says:  

“Imagine the hassle when students, researchers, journalists, etc. show up with an equal number of different laptop computers. Some are old, others new, some running Windows, others Macs or Linux. Some attendees have no problem discerning between different Python versions, while others have never heard of Python or R or installing arbitrary software on their computer. Now, all these people need to have the same version of e.g. RStudio, R, Python and software to work with computer code. To get that to work could require a complete datasprint in itself. Now, enter UCloud. There we control everything and can ensure that it all just works — from the get-go! On top of that, we don’t have to worry that much about data size or computational resources. It’s all win-win.”

You can read the full article with the reflections of the organizers on the DeiC Interactive HPC website.
