Speeches at the national supercomputing day
On May 30, the first national supercomputing day was held at SDU. You can find the speeches and presentations held that day in the program here.
On May 30, the first national supercomputing day was held at SDU. You can find the speeches and presentations held that day in the program here.
DeiCs three national supercomputers are presented in a new video that studies the benefits they bring to researchers. Can you tell the difference between Abacus 2.0, Computerome and Kulturarvsclusteret? See here.
Watch the new video about the advantages of using the supercomputer Abacus 2.0 at SDU: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTBYt_JxJP0
Here is a video of the final of the SDU Supercomputer Challenge shared on the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/sdu.ssc/posts/601359113354058 It can also be seen on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0LCtbc9xic
Læs her på side 6-7 i Erhvervsavisen Fyn fra den 26. april 2016, hvordan virksomheder kan få adgang til Abacus 2.0 -supercomputeren på National HPC Center på SDU- og hvordan Continental og Siemens Wind Power i Read more…
Den 30. maj står i supercomputerens tegn på Syddansk Universitet. På dagen kan deltagerne i National supercomputing-dag blive klogere på de muligheder, supercomputere giver forskerne. Anledningen til temadagen er indvielsen af fase 2 af Abacus Read more…
Abacus 2.0 Phase 2 During May 2016 Abacus 2.0 is extended with further 192 slim nodes. After the extension we have in total 584 compute nodes of which 448 nodes are slim nodes, and the Read more…
National supercomputing dag – fokus på e-infrastrukturer Dato: Mandag, 30. maj 2016 –9:00 til 16:00 Sted: Lokale U45, SDU, Campusvej 55, Odense Arrangør: DeIC eScience Kompetencecenter, SDU, Statsbiblioteket og DTU Danmark er ved at opbygge en stærk e-infrastruktur, der skal Read more…
Finalen i SDU Supercomputer Challenge 2015 løb af stablen d. 1. april og vinderne af 3 X 25.000 kr. samt køretid på supercomputeren ABACUS 2.0, blev fundet. Professor, centerleder af SDU eScience Centre og overdommer Read more…
A brochure prepared by the OECD’s Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTI) and commissioned by the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (DASTI) to support its RESEARCH2025 strategy process. The purpose of the brochure is Read more…