On October 28, 2016, NeIC started the CodeRefinery project as part of a Nordic response to the critical importance of developing research software to meet the increasing needs of academic researchers across disciplines. In May of 2019, the SDU eScience Center started to collaborate with CodeRefinery, by helping with training programmes for students and researchers in best practices for software development and data management.
The SDU eScience Center aims to enhance research across all fields through the efficient utilization of data analytics, software and e-Infrastucture, and by ensuring safe and easy access to digital tools. However, digital advances face some challenges because many users do not necessarily have software development backgrounds and/or training. The CodeRefinery project aims to continue to build a community of instructors and to support networks for researchers.
Emiliano Molinaro, the team leader for Research Support at the SDU eScience Center, has been working with the CodeRefinery team to organizing and run training workshops for the Nordic researchers. Through the CodeRefinery activities, users learn basic-to-advanced computing skills and become confident in using state-of-the-art tools and practices from modern collaborative software development.

At the end of 2020, the SDU eScience Center, in collaboration with the Coderefinery project, will come to an end. However, going forward, the SDU eScience Center will continue to support researchers with expertise and best practices. The SDU eScience Center hosts the national HPC front-office support at SDU and offers on-site training. In addition, the SDU eScience Center is committed to develop new platforms such as UCloud to make High Performance Computing (HPC) easily accessible to both experienced and novice users. The SDU eScience Center will continue to support projects like the CodeRefinery and other similar initiatives in the Nordic countries and the EU with the goal to promote the use of digital tools in research for computing and data management.