Accounts – how many node hours are available?

To see which accounts are available to you, including how many node hours are available, use the command abc-quota:

testuser@fe1:~$ abc-quota

Available node hours per account/user

Account/user |   Quota   Avail | UsedPeriod   % of Qt | UsedMonth
------------ + ------- ------- + ---------- --------- + ---------

test00_gpu   |   2,000   1,220 |        780    39.4 % |       650
 otheruser   |                 |         80     4.4 % |        50
 testuser *  |                 |        700    35.0 % |       600


In this case, testuser can use the account test00_gpu. Within this accounting period, the user testuser has used 700 node hours, and the test00_gpu account has used in total used 780 hours. 1,220 node hours are still available. As shown in the column UsedMonth most node hours have been used during this month.

For further information, we refer to our Slurm help pages.